Being rich is about more than money. It’s a state of mind, and it takes more than money to get there. Knowledge can take you even further.
Reading is one way that helps people think about money, investing, and how to grow wealth. However, it’s not as simple as just putting your mind to it and reaching that goal in a reasonable period of time. You need the right tools and information to make it happen successfully. And while there are plenty of books out there on the topic of becoming a millionaire, most aren’t worth your time. The 5 books below will help you understand the principles of success, find your passion, stop worrying and understand a millionaire mindset. Check them out!

As I said in my latest YouTube video, these books are some of the best for learning about becoming a millionaire and reaching financial freedom. Ideas in these books helped me to change my mindset, create better goals and stop blocking myself, so I think they would be useful for you too.
Check the millionaire mindset list and add them to your bookshelf:
>> “No Excuses” by Brian Tracy
This book is not just about positive thinking and how you can achieve your goals through affirmations. That’s a simple game changer. It is a practical guide that will teach you how to think like a successful person and how to start taking actions that will help you to achieve your goals.
I will give you just a couple of words about that. It shows you how average people in the world just say, “I have not enough time. I am so tired after work. Or I have been busy on the weekend with my family.” That book is explaining to you exactly that it is all excuses. If you are serious about improving your life and achieving your goals, this book is a must-read.
>> “Digital Millionaire Secrets” by Dan Hanry
The book is a proven system to help you grow your online business. The book includes the best advice, tips, and tricks for success. It is packed with proven advice from the author’s own experiences. It also includes a step-by-step system that will help you grow your online business.
You will learn how to avoid common mistakes that cause most people to fail. It is an easy-to-follow guide with practical advice. If you are looking to start an online business, this book is a must-read. It will give you the advice and tricks you need to succeed.
>> “The 10x Rule” by Grant Cardone
This book will help you to understand how to make the most of your time, work harder, and get more done by setting goals and prioritizing what matters most to you. It’s about setting a goal that is 10 times larger than anything you have ever done before, and then breaking it down into small, manageable chunks.
This book is an excellent source of motivation, as well as advice for self-improvement. It’s packed with useful information and stories that will inspire you to believe in yourself and reach for new goals.
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>> “The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod
This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to start their day off on the right foot. It’s packed with research-backed advice on how to create the ideal morning routine for productivity and happiness. What’s most impressive about this book is how applicable the advice is to a wide range of people. Whether you’re a busy parent with little time to spare, a young professional who wants to start each day with a bang, or anything in between, you’ll be able to find something useful.
This book is a combination of science and advice, and it’s perfect for anyone who wants to create a morning routine that will improve their life.
>> “Win” by Tim Grover
This book is a must-read for anyone interested in self-improvement. In this book, Tim Grover, who is one of the top executive coaches in the world, reveals the process he uses to help his clients achieve their goals. He also shares with you the steps you can take to make sure that you achieve your goals.
One of the most important lessons you will learn from this book is that you need to have the right mindset if you want to accomplish your goals. By changing your mindset and working on it, you can accomplish anything. This book will also teach you how to focus. Focus is important if you want to achieve your goals. You need to focus on the things that are important and ignore the things that are not.
As a bonus, I want to share with you 2 books that I finished recently.
These books were created for eCommerce store owners and would be useful to identify your niche, find better products and create stunning ads.
“The Matter of Niche” and “Steal My Ad” – are ultimate guides full of precisely selected information that can bring you and your business to another level!
You can download two books with a special bundle offer via the link.
Check out some other details and tips in the latest video >>